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Yesterdays General Chat


With a culture as stubborn and storied as the French culture, the impending change seems to be infiltrating more slowly in Paris. There are still a million cafes, and bakeries, and cheese shops, and French people chatting at Brasseries, and boats taking tourists up and down the Seine River.

But there’s a layer of dust over the city.

Graffiti is everywhere, on ancient walls and trains and shop doors. There is more garbage on the streets, carelessly tossed water bottles and wrappers—thrown by people who don’t care about beauty, and have no respect for someone else’s land.

Immigrant children gather in parks, oblivious to the people around them, speaking in their native tongues, not in school, ignored by the Parisians passing them by.

Streets once solely French are being taking over by immigrants, and new restaurants have the smell of curry mingling with baking baguettes.

I sat next to a Chinese student at a Vivaldi concert in an old church. I was amazed by the number of Chinese in the city taking in Monet, crème brûlée, and music. They seem to love Western culture. They're in Paris to eat it up. They want the clothes, the food, the art. President Chi was visiting while I was there. Long tables of his contingency sat in historic cafes eating elevated French food—cafes where Hemingway once sat and wrote. They secretly covet the culture they were taught to dispossess.

I found it all bizarre.

The monsters ruling the earth are trying to do away with Western civilization—all of our artistic accomplishments, the architecture, the literature, the food, the beauty. Maybe people like the Chinese are trying to scarf it down before it disappears.

Student protesters were encircled three deep by the French police, and while these naive students have no idea what they are protesting for, I hated to see their right to protest stifled in such a way.

There are no customs agents at the airports. A machine takes your picture and scans your passport. Right out of the book 1984.

The last days of ancient sunlight. Those words kept going through my mind in Paris. Immigrants drive taxis, secure famous art, run the shops. Things are changing—begrudgingly so.

Left, still, was the quintessential French waiter. No one will ever take his place, until all the restaurants serve food that tastes like curry.


If I try to step back and look at the bigger picture, 40,000ft view. I can confidently say that Q is a psychological operation conducted by military and/or government officials with high clearance that Trump is aware of and has not renounced. It would also seem that Scavino is also somewhat involved based on posts and their timing.

As to the purpose, I would say it is to sway public opinion and provide some sort of direction for those seeking answers and truth. To give clues into the corruption that plagues the current governments of the world, especially the US. To what end, I do not know. My opinion is that the country needs something to unite it again, somewhat like the events of 9/11 united us. That leads me to believe that we all have to experience some kind of massive national/worldwide trauma or difficult period together where everyone feels it, to the extent that political alliance and divisive issues seem meaningless in comparison. Looking for opinions, I want to believe that Covid was that necessary event but people are still far from united. Do you think the eventual revelations of vaccine damages and the intentional release of the virus will be enough or are we still in for another period of some new pandemic/war before the dawn?


I was sitting in a local not-so-fast-food burger restaurant when 4 large, black, non-descript passenger vans pulled into the parking lot. Some older white men got out ahead of about 40 young Mexican men who disembarked and were lined up outside the building. One of the older guys, who were all wearing dark blue and polo shirts with what looked like some sort of small law enforcement logo on the breast, came into the building first. As the young guys entered and walked past him, he was telling them all to "just say number 3 combo, say number 3 combo..." It was the cheapest thing on the menu that wasn't a child's meal. It was evident they were being coached because they didn't know English. They all looked apprehensive and many were wearing the same shorts, sandals, and socks, but different shirts. All looked to be older teens to early twenties. This happened in my small red town, coming soon to a theater near you. All the patrons just sat and watched silently in disbelief. Our government is not working for us, they are working against us.

They're Helping The Invaders... (media.greatawakening.win) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
posted ago by Dreadnought61 ago by Dreadnought61

447 of the 556 members within the Bolsheviks administration were ✡️. (Page 62, The Myth of Germain Villainy)The tragedy of the ✡️ led "Russian Revolution" can't be measured by numbers alone; these people were the best people that Russia had. They were the priests, and lawyers, and merchants, and army officers, and university professors. They were the cream of Russian civilization.

According to Dr Gregor (Page 76, The Myth of Germain Villainy) by 1921 (this being reported from the ✡️ Bolshevik's Cheka published statistics) that they had killed 28 Bishops, 1,215 priests, 6000 monks (Russian Orthadox Church being one of their first targets.)

Next were the Upper Russian classes in which they killed 8,800 doctors/medical assistants, 54,650 army and Navy Officers, 10,500 police officers (lieutenant and above), 48,500 lower ranking policemen, 260,000 ordinary soldiers, 361,825 members of the 'intelligentsia," including teachers, professors, engineers, judges and 12,950 large landowners.

In all these cases of mass murder no explanations or reasons were given for their murder.

If you look at the list of people they killed, this is also everyone that was recently the first to be targeted with manditory COVID vaccines in order to keep their jobs. Do you see and understand what they just did? An attempt of a Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 without firing a shot (pardon the pun).

The Myth of Germain Villainy http://911tv.org/Library/LB-0003%20Bradberry%20-%20Myth%20of%20German%20villainy.pdf


I know, I know, cable TV sucks. But I have been warching this season of Survivor with the fam..

Hear me out:

It's season 46. We all know what 46 refers to.

The show is produced by Mark Burnett. He produced The Apprentice and is good friends with Trump.

One of the players this season goes by "Q". He is one of 17 siblings in his family. He's a real estate agent 🤔

Episode after episode, the rest of the cast wants Q eliminated for whatever reason. Time and time again, Q survives being voted out event though the consensus leading up to each elimination implies he's a gonner yet he survives. Just like the walls are forever closing in on Trump since 2015 yet somehow he always comes out on top.


After this recent episode, in the preview for next weeks episode, Q says this:

"Ive been calm, but I need the storm!"

Come on man! Thats comms!!

🍿Enjoy the show!🍿

Wait, did he actually say this? (media.greatawakening.win) 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by OSS_1 ago by OSS_1

We are so far down the road post Q that the next few months will either prove Q was real, or prove Q was fake. It actually is that simple at this point. That's where we are.

At this point it's not about proofs, or posts, or booms, or anything else. It's all about what actually happens. If future proves past, then right now...this moment in time...is the future that was being talked about.

How could it not be? Historically, I've not been a huge fan of acting like the world comes down to binaries, but finally, right now, that's actually the case. Either humanity wins, or it loses, and in either case, there's no going back to how it was, the world will be permanently altered, for better, or for worse.

The stakes right now are nothing less than human destiny.

The system we've been up against is really very old. The techniques they use against us, ancient. But never before did they have the technology to completely control humanity. Mass media and global communications. And now, with the press of some buttons, entire perceptions of reality can be altered.

But here's the thing...if one really wanted to, and had the kind of mind required to do it, one could reverse engineer their processes and turn them against them. Use the same technology, not to repress humanity, but to liberate them from their mental slavery.

And if that person did so, I'd imagine any good guys in military intelligence would have been watching. Actually, it would appear that they were. If there really is a loving God, then we must be about to see one of the most amazing happenings in all of human history.

They killed JFK over this exact topic. (twitter.com) - N C S W I C -
posted ago by OSS_1 ago by OSS_1
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